
Toowoomba Surgicentre

Please contact Dr Andrew Macmillan if you have any concerns.

After anaesthesia there is an increased risk of falls in the first 24 hours. Please take care after you leave our surgery and ensure a carer is with you during this time.


All medication should be taken with food. Cease all medication if abdominal discomfort or nausea.
  • Commence the prescribed antibiotic:
    • Keflex (script required)

  • For pain relief:
    • Take 1 or 2 x Naprogesic x 3 times per day for a period of 2 or 3 days
    • Take 1 or 2 x Panalgesic x 3-4 times per day for a period of 2 or 3 days depending on pain/discomfort. Then swap to Panadol (paracetamol) every 6 hours until pain ceases.)

  • To settle the stomach:
    • Take 1 x Somac (pantoprazole) per day for a period of 7 days
No herbal medications or preparations to be taken as these may interact with your medication and cause excessive bleeding and slower healing times.

When you get home

Remove mouth packs if bleeding has ceased. If not, maintain pressure by biting down on the pack. These packs should be placed at the very back of the mouth. Mouth packs should be removed prior to eating, drinking & sleeping to avoid swallowing them. Always ensure that you remove the same amount of packs that you have placed in your mouth.

  • Drink from a sports bottle to maintain adequate hydration (Powerade/Gatorade)
  • Have a drink of Eno, lemonade or dry ginger ale. These can help settle the stomach.
  • Have something to eat e.g. ice cream
  • Commence antibiotics.
  • Take prescribed pain relief.
  • If, due to medications, stomach irritation does occur - take Somac & Mylanta & cease all other medication

Mouth Hygiene

  • Commence mouth rinsing 24 hours post operatively if bleeding has ceased, every two hours while awake for a period of one week and there after for a further period of two to three weeks until healing is complete.
  • Rinse your mouth with Salt Water Solution – (a teaspoon of salt dissolved into a glass of warm water)
  • In conjunction with the mouth rinsing, irrigation of sockets with the syringe provided after every meal for the first 28 days will prevent post-operative infection.
  • Clean your teeth after every time you eat (at least 3 times per day). Use a toothbrush and toothpaste.


  • Place gauze or tissue pad over area where tooth/teeth removed.
  • Bite down firmly for at least 1⁄2 an hour at a time before replacing the gauze.
  • Apply ice to face.
  • Alternatively use tea bags as a mouth pack if you have run out of gauze.


  • Take prescribed pain relief as soon as you get home after having taken the Eno & Ice cream
  • Apply ice to face to provide topical pain relief.


Maximum swelling usually occurs on the 3rd or 4th day.
  • Applying ice for the first 48 hours will reduce the severity of the swelling.
  • Elevate head at 45° to help reduce swelling in the immediate post- operative period.


Generally takes 24 – 48 hours to wear off. Do not be concerned by this as it reduces the amount of analgesia you will be required to take. Be careful not to have anything hot until the numbness has worn off.


Dissolve in approximately 10 - 15 days.


Nothing hot until the numbness has worn off.

  • A soft, soluble diet for one week following surgery. Use your judgement to decide when you feel it is appropriate to return to normal foods.
  • Refer to the foods suggested below & please note the box containing the foods to avoid.
  • It is important that you do eat!

  Suggested foods

  • Jelly
  • Yoghurt
  • Smoothies
  • Eggs
  • Soups
  • Custard
  • Mousse
  • Soft vegetables
  • Pasta
  • Sandwiches with the crust cut off

  Foods to avoid

Avoid the following (until the sockets have healed) for approx 2 weeks:

  • Grains
  • Seeds
  • Rice
  • Nuts
  • Raw Carrot
  • Muesli Bars

You should contact Dr MacMillan's rooms if the following problems occur:

  • Severe pain uncontrolled by the suggested medication
  • Prolonged bleeding
  • Should any other major problems occur following the operation

In the first 24 hours after the operation YOU ARE ADVISED NOT TO:

  • Drive a vehicle (driving under the influence of a drug is a criminal offence punishable by law)
  • Operate complex machinery
  • Sign any legal documentation
  • Make any important decisions
  • Consume alcohol
  • Return to school / work (you will be advised when you may safely return to your normal routine)